Monday, November 4, 2013

Voter's don't be fooled in Old Forge

Old Forge Voters do the right thing tomorrow.

Let's get rid of Dirty Politics.

Vote for the one's that work for you.

Let's get rid of Relatives.

Let's put the pride back in Old Forge.

Make council do the right thing  hire a new chief of police from Old Forge.

Hire Cop's outside the Sheriff  office.

Let's put the Scandel  Behind us.

It is time to vote for a mayor who will stand behind tax payer's.

Ask Joe Ferrett what he means by let your landfill money work for you. I thought Old Forge refused the landfill money?

1 comment:

  1. Bob Hughes is a liar. Promises to pay back money he borrows and then does not. Was making payments and then just stopped. Tells me take him to court. He wants to take corruption out of Old Forge, unlikely when he is part of the problem.
